Monday, August 18, 2008

Maine Striper & Tuna fishing report 8/18/08

The Baker Family & Capt. George with a nice shallow water light tackle Bluefish!!!

Gary Eaton of IDEXX Labs with his personal Best 40+ inch Striped Bass caught & released 8/18/08

Tuna fishing has really picked up over the last week...We've been seeing good suface feeding action giving us some great chances to hook-up with light tackle...We had a fish that measured nearly 60 inches on the boat today...caught less than 3 miles offshore. This fished smashed a Heru Skipjack popper and bent the Lamiglas LGM-80 rod to the point where the cork rings were groaning!!! After what seemed like an hour long battle...we sunk two gaffs into the fish and heisted it aboard. What a fish!!!

Striper fishing has had its ups & downs....Today was one of our season highlights, at least for big fish. Some Big fish are showing up in the rivers & livebait & chunks have been doing the trick. Early mornings up on the flats can produce some beautiful sight casting chances...These fish are big and spook easily but with the right presentatation they can be fooled into taking the fly.

Cod have been consistent on the nearshore ledges & our kids trips continue to be very popular.

Fore more info on any of our trips call us today

Capt. George Harris

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I went catfishing again Sunday afternoon.
First came this 20# 5oz flathead.

Then this 29# 6oz bluecat.

I had another 29 1/2 lb. bluecat after that but I didn't take a picture of that.
Then my last one was this 31# 7oz bluecat. My personal record.

Recent Bass and a Blast from the Past

I will be using this blog as a tool to show the world some of my most memorable fishing adventures. These adventures have provided me with a ton of good pictures of beautiful smallmouth bass that have all been released back into the waterways to live another day... Catch, Photo, and Release.

I will begin this new adventure by uploading several smallies that I caught this past week. I hope you find the beauty in these fish as I have. My love started at the age of seven and has grown ever since. I'm now fifty-three years old... That's why all my friends call me 'dad'.

Here's a great pic of a 19" smallie I caught on Lake Aldred (Susquehanna River.


A 20.5" smallmouth caught on a Cotton Cordell Super Spot on 08_08_08. A lucky date, for sure!


Thought you might like to see the biggest smallmouth I ever caught in my life... a 23.75" James River Smallie... Just Beautiful!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Maine saltwater fishing report8/09/08

Super Fly veterans Todd Mackenzie & Bill Coppola with a couple of beauties caught during the course of this past week

Wow... Striper Fishing, Tuna fishing, Cod name it we covered it over the past week.

Striper fishing has been successful using our proven live baiting techniques...we've caught some nice fish drifting the ledges using live bait...heavy rain & a line low pressure systems has hampered the striper fishing somewhat but that's normal... mother nature at work.

Cod fishing on the ledges continues to produce...butterfly jigging slays does the old standby diamond jig with teaser combo!!!

We'll be on the ledges for most of the coming week fishing for Tuna...Stay tuned for reports....We are entering the most exciting time of year to tackle "Football" Bluefins.
Tomorrow we're gonna try our hand at catch & release Sharkin'....the Gulf of Maine has many species of Shark including the Mighty Mako shark...Blue sharks & Thresher are also fairly common. We may even try to hook one up on the fly rod.

For info or reservations on our trips give us a call at

Capt. George Harris

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maine Saltwater Fishing report 8/3/08

Karen M. caught this nice slot sized Striper today(8/03/08) one of over forty fish caught this afternoon!!!
Niem Ngyuen & Ken Clendenin with a double header of codfish....Ken Clendenin with his own version of a double!!!

Offshore/Nearshore: We are now entering the hottest part of the year to catch Bluefin Tuna off midcoast region of Maine. In the next two months Bluefin will prowl the ledges to feed on the prolific baitfish schools. We are set-up to tackle these Tuna with Fly & Spin gear as well as the standard stand-up trolling gear. Now is the time to get out there!!!

Codfishing has been nothing short of epic...while we have not landed any "whale cod"
we have put big numbers of fish in the boat. Double & triple hook-ups have been the norm. As bonus to these trips we normally get close-ups of rolling whales...ocean sunfish are a fairly common sighting too...and the icing on the cake...."Football" Tuna...We always have tuna gear on board for the common Tuna Blow-ups that we witness while on the ledge!!!

Inshore: The Striper/Bluefishing fishing has begun to heat up. Fishing over ledges that have powerful tidal flows running over them has produced some nice catches...The stripers were slow in coming this year but finally we are catching some nice fish!!! Livebaiting/chunking has been working the best...especially with big fish!!!
This afternoon we fished the ebb tide and did extremely with me were Bill, Todd, Art & Karen...we landed 44 striped bass in about 4 hours time all caught while fishing with live Blueback Herring...drifting over ledges & rocky bottom structure in 30-70 feet of water.
As has been the case this entire season...the "family/kids" fishing trips have been wildy popular.

For more info or to inquire about reservations please call us today!!!

Capt. George Harris