Friday, May 1, 2009

What a Tough Day! 04/28/09

Josh and I took my G3 out today for a run today. We met at 7:30 a.m. and headed to the ramp. We arrived by 8:30 a.m. and prepped the boat. The water had dropped a few more inches since Sunday's trip and some of the ledges and boulders were beginning to show.

The air temp at launch was 73 degrees and rose to 86 degrees by 2:00 p.m. There were a few passing clouds moving this morning, but as moisture built, the skies became increasingly overcast.

The water temp rose to 66.3 degrees on my Lowrance which is an 8 degree rise in a week's period.

We found it really tough fishing today. We had spoken to a couple of other anglers who were having the same experience. The only thing that could catch fish for us was a 3.5" tube. The spinnerbaits just wouldn't draw a strike as they had the last three visits. We were very patient to get the four fish we finally ended with. The largest only being a 14" female with eggs. The others fell int the 8-10" range. These immatures were wandering the banks looking for a quick meal. All they got was a mouth full of metal and plastic... sorry guys!

We saw a neat sight today. Josh spotted a bald eagle that lives and hunts in this area as we were passing a b/w a few islands. A few minutes after the sighting, we saw the eagle returning with a decent size fish in his talons. At that point of our trip, we hadn't landed a single fish (1.5 hours). The eagle was out less than five minutes and came back with lunch! :-/

On Sunday, we began to hear the trill sounds of male toads calling to the female. Today, we actually came across a muddy beach where hundreds of toads were doing their springtime thing. I have never seen such a sight of this proportion while out fishing.


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