Thursday, June 4, 2009

4th june,dovedale,one more cast

had a lovely afternoon fishing dovedale with
conditions perfect and mayfly still getting a
battering from the trout.

quite a few laddfa chaps out this afternoon
met a nice guy called victor who was taking
pictures whilst fishing.
his set up could not be any different to my own
with a 6 ft 3# rod ,low breaking strain tippet
and a delicate cdc mayfly whereas mine was
more along the vulcan bomber lines with my
trusty sage 5# ,4lb tippet(pull out of most trees)
and a great big hairwing mayfly.
he offered me a few casts with his setup which
i did manage to hook a nice trout with but was very
wary in case me bliztkreig casting damaged his
delicate rod.

caught all afternoon on the mayfly with the
trout still hard on them.

met up with roger bryant off the forums on the
way back downstream and we fished the nursery
pool for a while with the fish becoming very
fussy with several coming under the fly only to
have a butchers hook then turn tail back down.
roger left after a while leaving me to fish into
the twilight in the homeward stretch towards
the footbridge.noticed a couple of rises so cast
and hooked into my best fish of the day which
was beatifully marked ,below
cracking days fishing.

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