I left the house at 5:30 a.m., started the truck, and proceeded up my driveway... about 20 yd. I felt an all too familiar sensation in my steering wheel... "OMG! I have another flat tire!" I backed down the driveway, got out of my F150, and checked the back passenger side tire. Sure enough, it was flatter than a pancake.
Those who read my last "flat tire" post realize that this is the tire I suspected was also going flat when I took my truck and the other flat into my Ford Dealer last Thursday. I was assured that the back passenger tire wasn't going flat... Yea, sure!!
As you can imagine, I was not a happy camper. I went back into the house and ranted and raved for a few minutes. I spoke to my wife, as if she was the Ford Dealership, and told her everything I wanted to do to them... *mad*
I called Josh and said I would be late since I needed to transfer all my stuff over to my son's vehicle. My youngest son told me that he would call AAA for me and then instructed me to get out of the dang house. :o
I got to Josh's apartment 20 minutes late no worse for the wear and loaded my stuff into his truck.
We hit the road and headed to the shed where he keeps his boat stored. When we arrived, Josh realized that he left the shed lock key on his dresser. Arrrggghhhh! So, we drove all the way back to his apartment for the key.
We finally got the boat hooked up and headed to our weekly breakfast at a 24 hr. diner in Mt. Joy, Pa. Up to this point, the breakfast was about the best thing that happen to either one of us so far. Really, it was because we aren't finished just yet with all this bad mojo.
After breakfast, we headed back towards the river route and stopped at a local Sheetz only to realize, when Josh goes to turn on his Master Power Switch, that he had left it on 10 days ago and now the starter battery was drained dead!!!
Josh let lose with some very fine expletives that would have made an old tar blush. He was so angry that he didn't want to fill the boat gas tank. All he wanted was to get his tail out of there.
Once in the cab of his truck and slightly calmed down, he called his family home and spoke to his pop. He had an old starter battery over at his family's home on a charger. So, we trekked on over to his family's home and hooked up the old "charged" battery.
"Dear Lord, can we please get to the river now?" :rolleyes:
We stopped and got gas and actually arrived at the ramp around 9:45 a.m. Four hours after I had gotten out of bed... LOL!
As we were heading to our first fishing hole, Steve "ifishblades" called Josh on his cell phone. He gave us a tip on a colored spinnerbait that they were using on Sunday north of us that was working quite well. Momma didn't raise no fool! I removed the spinnerbait I had on and tied the "secret" color spinnerbait onto my line... Josh chose another color to try that he recently bought at SFT.
A few casts later and look what I brought to hand...
She was a beefy 19.5" smallie... Ahhhhh! After all that bad luck this morning, the river gods rewarded us greatly with this beauty.
The water temp was 58 degrees and rose to 60 throughout our fishing trip. The bright sun went behind clouds off and on throughout the day. There was a slight SW wind blowing that actually made it rather comfortable. In the shade, it was a bit chilly. I had my fleece off and on throughout the entire trip.
The water clarity on the east was dingy, but not too bad. The west shore was looking very clear.
I ended the day with only three hard earned fish... spinnerbait, small Super Spot, and a tube.
This day ended with me handing Josh a "Josh!" That's right folks, a few weeks ago, Josh caught 8-9 fish and I had none. If you remember, I called it being "Joshed." Well, today was my turn to do a "Josh" on my good buddy, smallieman... :D
After all the bad luck passed by, we enjoyed the day together and are now looking forward to our next Susquehanna River adventure. Heck, with all that bad luck over, only good times are finally ahead for us! :)
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