Monday, June 21, 2010

Response from Dave Miko, PFBC Biologist

Hello Folks,

I received this memo from Dave Miko, PFC Biologist, regarding that diseased fish that we caught last Tuesday. Please read:


I was forwarded the pictures of the smallmouth bass that you caught from the Juniata River. Let me first thank you for sharing the photos with us. Without examining the fish any diagnoses on my part would simply be speculation. What I can offer is that the markings on the fish are not consistent with physical spawning activity. Spawning fish typically show a red and sometimes deformed tail fin caused by the action needed to clear out a red and the constant fanning of the red with the tail. It is possible that the stress caused by spawning could have made this fish susceptible to a disease. The good news is that the fish was still feeding, which means that there is potential for it to overcome the disease. There are some diseases out there that will be visible on a fish for over a year but the fish are able to recover.

Thank you again for sharing your experience with us.


David A. Miko, Chief

Division of Fisheries Management

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

450 Robinson Lane

Bellefonte, PA 16823

814.359.5169 - Bellefonte

717.705.7832 - Harrisburg

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