Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back In The Saddle Again 11.03.10

Hello Folks,

I made the decision Monday night to take my G3 out for my first solo run since my elbow surgery on August 23rd. I got up around 5:30 a.m. Tuesday morning in order to get my gear ready and head off to the polls to vote by 7:00 a.m.

By 8:00 a.m., I was at my PCP (doctor's visit) office for my 3 month follow up appointment. Because of my many health issues, I see the doctor on an ongoing basis to especially keep track of my diabetes and liver disease. In fact, I have an appointment this month to see a endocrinologist (diabetes specialist) for the first time. She is the same physician my wife sees for her juvenile diabetes.

After voting, I returned home to hook my jet rig up to the truck. It felt good knowing that I was finally becoming more independent again with my fishing.

I drove the truck and rig to my doctor's office and then headed off to the river around 9:00 a.m.

Launching the boat is not the hardest part for me. Getting off the boat after "trailering" it is. Usually, the aft of the boat is sitting in the water and the fore is out, but on a high angle. I have to hook the boat onto the wench strap and then climb off the bow. Not an easy task for a bilateral hip replacement patient and one who has just had two elbow surgeries in a year's time! Stretching my leg and foot down onto the tongue and bearing weight on my arms can be a challenge.

I was on the water and fishing around 11:00 a.m. Boy, it was a very slow day! The bright spot was that it was simply beautiful outside.

The air temp was approximately 40 degrees when I arrived at the ramp and rose to 50 degrees by 2:30 p.m. The water temp read 45.5 degrees when I arrived and rose to 47.5 degrees when I packed up to head in.

I took it rather easy today and tossed jerkbaits (JB), Chilleee Willees, Short-Armed Spinnerbait (Bronzeback Bushwhacker), Rat'l Traps, and tubes. I had one fish on a JB in about 4' of water and that was it!

The water clarity on the east shoreline and in the middle of the river was a bit murky. The dirty water in the middle of the river was starting to separate and I was able to see about 2-3' to the bottom. At 5-6', I couldn't see the bottom.

As I headed further west, the water clarity improved dramatically and I could see down to the bottom in 6+ feet.

As I drifted downriver in the clearer water, I noticed about a dozen or so smallmouth scurring away from the boat as it drifted over or near them. Several of these bass had a very distinct, almost leopard style, markings in green and dark black... Cool. That told me that they were hunkered down close to the bottom and not active.

We had a high blue bird skies yesterday with a few wisps of clouds on the horizon. The drop in the air temperature overnight and the high skies made it extremely difficult in such clear water, for sure.

It felt good once again to be out fishing alone. It went smoothly and even exiting the boat at the ramp wasn't too bad.

Change up:
I had my first appointment with a podiatrist today, Dr. Peter Smith. I found him very personable. He informed me that I had a chronic case of Plantar fasciitis on my left heel. Chronic because I've had it off and one for the past two years. After his explanation of the problem, he informed me of the various ways to treat it. Support the heel, reduce the inflammation, and preventative measures once the plantar fascia swelling is reduced.

He then informed me that he would have to give me a small steroid shot in my heel... "Say what!?" LOL Okay... I can handle this. Heck, I've had shots in my spine, wrists, elbows, and right hip bursa. I could handle a little shot in my left heel.

It actually went rather smoothly. He sprayed me with a topical pain blocker that worked well. He placed the injection in the side of my heel and into the plantar fascia, which he said was really thick... Oh, boy!

Afterward, he taped my foot so that my heel could begin to heal. Hey, that rhymes! :)

So now I must keep the tape on my foot for a week and then return for a follow up visit. Because I have diabetes, my insurance will help kick in for any support products I may need.

Take care, folks, and remain safe!

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